

Harrison Ford officially joins the MCU

The president of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, has just formalized the arrival of Harisson Ford in the MCU where he will play Thaddeus Ross, the president of the United States of America.

Kevin Feige clarified during an interview with Entertainment Weekly that this role of US President was made for him: “With Harrison, you think of Air Force One, and you think of some of his confrontations with the President. There is a dynamic between President Ross and Sam Wilson. They have a history together, but in this movie, we'll see the dynamic between Captain America and the President of the United States in a way that's just amazing.”

Vote President Ford in 2024

This is the realization of an old dream for the boss of the studios who confesses: “It was a dream for years, since Jon Favreau hired Harrison Ford in Cowboys & Invaders. I've always been very jealous of that, so finally having it in the MCU is just amazing. I can cross that off my wish list”.

Filming of Captain America: New World Order is about to start and we will have to wait until May 1, 2024 to see Harisson Ford once again become President of the United States in the cinema.