

New York and social networks, it's a fight

New York City joins the thirty American states that filed a complaint against Meta in October. The cause is the deleterious habit-forming effect of social networks on children.

Good for mental health or on the contrary completely harmful? Social networks are no less under threat from the American administration. Remember, in October 2023, the Ministers of Justice of 33 American states filed a complaint against Meta (Facebook and Instagram) accused of designing and developing malicious features, which got an entire generation of young people addicted.

Recently, it's the city of New York which is making its own complaint, also attacking TikTok, Snap and Google, come on, wholesale prices. Several city agencies are therefore attacking the big tech companies for public nuisance and negligence, accusing them of “fueling the national youth mental health crisis”.

Not-so-social social networks££££

The complaint explains that social platform features (including recommendation algorithms and likes) addict young users and manipulate them into spending more time online. Which, objectively speaking, is completely true.

“Like the public health officer did with tobacco and guns, we treat social media like other health hazards public and we are ensuring that technology companies take responsibility for their products,” said NYC Mayor Eric Adams.
