

5G on its way to crushing 4G

In addition to experiencing the fastest growth among wireless communications standards, 5G is on track to surpass the adoption of its predecessor 4G.

According to the latest data from Omdia and the 5G Americas Association (via Advanced Television) the last six months have seen an addition of 331 million 5G subscriptions worldwide, bringing the total to 1.4 billion. Estimates see the bar of 2 billion almost reached at the end of 2023.

5G soon far ahead of 4G

By 2028, there will be 8 billion 5G subscriptions worldwide, or 2.5 billion more than for 4G. There are 287 commercial 5G networks in the world today, and this figure is expected to increase to 425 in 2025 alone, reflecting the significant investments in 5G structures.

The floor to Chris Pearson, president of 5G Americas

“The phenomenal global growth of 5G connections underscores the insatiable demand for advanced connectivity,” said Chris Pearson, president of 5G Americas. With 1.4 billion subscriptions, we are witnessing the transformative power of 5G technology as the industry focuses on integrating 5G connectivity into new devices and services.”

A word to Kristin Paulin, senior analyst at Omdia

Kristin Paulin, principal analyst at Omdia, said: “Standalone 5G is being deployed by North American operators, and it will bring advancements such as network slicing, ultra-reliable low latency communications and massive machine-type, which will further accentuate the growth of this technology.”