

Spotify Hi-Fi “Supremium”, new details

A leak reveals the new features that Spotify's new Hi-Fi option will bring, promised for more than two years.

Awaited since the beginning of 2021 by many users of the music service, the Spotify HiFi offer ceased to be relevant at the beginning of 2022, to gradually return to the forefront.

Hi-Fi quality more expensive at Spotify

Since the initial announcement, the competition - notably Apple Music and Amazon - has launched its own Hi-Fi offer at no additional cost, increasing Spotify's delay. The Swedish company that wishes to monetize this option must now justify the additional cost compared to competing free offers.

Spotify Supremium with 30 hours of audiobook reading/month

Rumors from last June predicted a price of $19.99 per month, recently confirmed by a Reddit user who discovered new details about this option in the code of the Spotify application. In addition to the price, we learn that the Supremium subscription could include 30 hours of audiobook reading per month, as well as the possibility of classifying your bookstore by mood, activity, and genre.

Spotify Supremium, new ergonomics

The code also mentions specific mixing tools, allowing you to order playlists by tempo, make smooth transitions between songs, and filter them by mood or genre. Also mentioned is a “soundcheck” function which allows you to “learn more about your listening habits to discover what mix of sounds is unique to you”.
