

Advertising on Netflix, but not everywhere and not all the time

Ads on Netflix's new cheaper option will spare children, and other specific programs.

To compensate for the fall in subscribers observed this year, Netflix will introduce a new subscription offer that is cheaper than the Essential subscription (currently €8.99) but is strewn with advertisements.

No ads on Netflix original movies and children's programs

This additional option will normally be launched in early 2023, and according to the latest information from Bloomberg, advertisements should spare certain programs. Thus, they will not interrupt children's programs (which Disney+ also provides), nor Netflix original films.

No ads on Netflix original movies for a while only?

There are exceptions to be weighed, however, because Bloomberg specifies that only "a few" children's program rights holders have asked not to have ads. Others could therefore be affected. As for the original films, the ads could only be absent for the first weeks of availability of new releases, and added afterwards.
