

Custom 3D Audio Profile on PS5

The latest PlayStation 5 software update brings several new features, including custom 3D headset audio profiles.

Sony recently rolled out a new [abc]Firmware[/abc] update for the PlayStation 5 with several new features, such as a customizable home center but especially personalized 3D audio profiles.

PS5, 3D sound reproduction optimized for each person££££

A useful feature for users of this audio format, because each person hears sounds differently depending on the size, density and shape of their head, ears and ear canals. Thus, this option allows you to create a restitution adapted to the particularities of each person for an improved result, particularly in games for the localization of sounds according to their position.

Custom 3D Audio Profile, How to££££

To create a custom 3D audio profile for a headset or headphones, simply go to [Settings] > [Sound] > [3D Audio (Headphones)] on your PS5 console, then follow the on-screen steps to test your hearing. Each audio profile can then be saved for each user.
