

The choristers, free singing for 4K

There was The Circle of Disappeared Poets, and then in France, The Choristers carried by the music of Bruno Coulais and perfect actors. For the twenty anniversary of its release, Christophe Barratier's film returns to cinemas from April 10 in a restored version, and undoubtedly soon at home in 4K.

Those who finished the screening of the film in 2003 with their hearts slung over their shoulders, their eyes moist and their voices trembling will be delighted to learn that The Choristers could return in 4K Ultra HD at Pathé this year.

Behind the little demons, voices of angels££££

The simple story of a man, Clément Mathieu (Gérard Jugnot), a failed musician who, in the aftermath of the war, has nothing found anything better than a position as a pawn in a boarding school for difficult children. When he arrives in the establishment, he must face the authoritarian and archaic ways of the director, a fan of repression, dungeons and other curfews. Clément Mathieu will be the first to dare to challenge the established order by starting a choir. A masterstroke for Christophe Barratier, for whom it was his first film. More details as soon as possible.
