

5G is just getting started!

Launched in 2019, the 5G communication standard is still in its infancy but is already on track to do better than its predecessors.

If 4G technology remains more than adequate for daily use, 5G represents a significant evolution in terms of speed, reliability and quality.

5G, faster adoption than 3G and 4G££££

In addition, it is the first wireless communication standard that motivates the development and adoption of technologies like the Internet objects, virtual reality and augmented reality, as well as applications such as remote surgery and autonomous vehicles. According to the latest Mobility Report study by Ericsson, there are today 1.5 billion 5G subscribers in the world (figures from December 2023), and the threshold of 2 billion should be crossed this year, faster than 4G did it. As for 3G, it had not even reached this figure before being overtaken by 4G. Illustration: Statista
