

Why you'll never see cut scenes from Dune

Don't expect to ever see a deleted scene from Dune or a Director's Cut version of the film. We'll explain why.

In any case, Denis Villeneuve, its director, has no intention of including in a future Blu-Ray edition of Dune scenes shot but cut during editing. In a recent interview, he even claimed that the editing of Dune Part 1 couldn't be closer to his vision of the film and that everything else is (understand what was shot) de facto dead and buried.

When it's dead, it's dead££££

His deep conviction is based on the rhythm of the film. He explains that some 5-minute films can seem boring, others 3 or 4 hours long make you want to “live in them forever”. He clarifies: “I firmly believe that when it’s not in the film, it’s dead. Before adding: Sometimes I delete shots when I can't believe I'm cutting them. I feel like a samurai ripping open my guts. It's painful, so I can't go back after this and create some sort of Frankenstein creature trying to reanimate things I've killed. It's too painful. When it's dead, it's dead, and it's dead for a reason. Yes, Dune is a painful project, but it's my job. The film trumps everything else. I am very demanding in an editing room. I don't think about my ego, I think about the film. The length of a film should be based on what the story needs to be told. I have also made 75-minute films, and this one lasts 2 hours and 46 minutes: the time of a feature film is the time of the narration! »

Dune Part 2 lasts 2h46, about 10 minutes longer than the first Dune (click for review). It hits theaters on February 28. Source: Collider
