

New mixed reality headset from Apple: forced launch by Tim Cook?

This year will normally release a brand new product from Apple, a mixed reality headset that apparently needed a little more development time.

According to the latest indiscretions collected by the Financial Times, the new mixed reality headset from Apple which would normally be released this year would apparently not be ready to be put on the market. It is the CEO of Apple -Tim Cook- who would have put pressure on his teams so that a version is marketed as early as 2022.

Apple mixed reality headset, opposition between the Design and Operations poles…

Specifically, the industrial design section of Apple warned that such a product was not ready to be launched, and that it would first have to be marketed and refined for several years from simple glasses to augmented reality. Conversely, Apple's operations team wanted to launch a version of the product as soon as possible with the appearance of ski goggles, allowing you to watch 3D videos, exercise or participate in FaceTime calls. .

Apple mixed reality headset, Tim Cook would like to launch in 2022

Speaking to the Financial Times, former Apple engineers spoke of “great pressure” to launch the device. In the era of Steve Jobs -CEO of Apple before Tim Cook- it was the design section of the company that weighed in on decisions, but since the arrival of Tim Cook, the operations division has taken on more and more weight in Apple's important choices.

Apple's headphones are said to have been in active development for seven years, twice as long as the iPhone before its launch. Apple still expects to sell about a million this year, despite a sale price of around $3,000.
