

Prime Video without ads and with Dolby Atmos/Dolby Vision, it's 34% more expensive

In six weeks, the advert arrives on Prime Video. To avoid this, you will have to pay 34% more for your annual subscription. If you decide to keep your current subscription, in addition to advertising, Prime Video will deny you access to HDR Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. Did you say petty?

We mentioned it in a previous publication (see our news Perfidious Prime Video: Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision, it's over (unless you pay)), the newly arrived advertising on Prime Video in the United States or in United Kingdom, and with it the removal of Dolby Atmos and HDR Dolby Vision, will gradually concern the rest of the world, therefore France.

Prime Video, you have to pay more for the same service££££

The date of the implementation of these same provisions in France is now known, April 9. Unless you agree to pay the additional monthly sum of €1.99, i.e. 34% increase for year-round subscribers. Just that !

The disenchantment is therefore total... Not about the increase in the subscription price, it is relatively understandable that the latter increases from time to time. On the other hand, while advertising is associated with a cheaper offer from competitors (the fruit of advertising making it possible to more than largely compensate for the price reduction), Amazon Prime integrates it without a price reduction, preferring to ask for a larger sum to its subscribers who want to do without it. Even more perfidious, if the subscriber decides not to change anything in his offer accepting without being able to otherwise suffer the inconvenience of advertising, he will see his audiovideo experience degraded with the loss of HDR Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. To encourage as many users as possible to pay more. We told you, more disloyalty is… difficult.