

Netflix with ads, 1 million subscribers in the USA

Launched late last year, Netflix's new, cheaper option with ads reportedly gained a million subscribers.

At the beginning of November 2022, Netflix launched the new Essential subscription option with ads at €5.99 (price in France), cheaper than its other offers. As a reminder, these include the Essential (€8.99), Standard (€13.49) and Premium (€17.99) options.

Netflix subscribers with cheaper advertising, 1 million in the USA and 1.4 million in France

According to internal sources quoted by the Bloomberg agency, this new option has since won over 1 million members in the United States. A figure that is surprising to say the least if we put it into perspective with a previous estimate which amounted to 1.4 million, not for the United States but for France, and over a period of only 2 months. Anyway, and even considering a certain margin of error, these approximations reflect a non-negligible interest of the public for less expensive choices, even interspersed with advertising (up to 5 minutes per hour in the case of Netflix) .