

Rebound of original productions after Covid-19

The health crisis has put a brake on original productions from Netflix and other streaming platforms, but work has resumed with renewed vigor in 2022.

According to a recent study by the firm Omdia, the production of original content within the largest streaming platforms resumed with a vengeance in 2022. Indeed, they observed a severe slowdown following the restrictions caused by the Covid epidemic -19 in 2020-2021.

Production of content for streaming, +87% in 2022 vs 2021

Thus, Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV+, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Paramount+ and Peacock collectively released 1,752 titles in 2022, or 60% more than in 2021, for a total of 4,878 hours, or 87 % more than in 2021. Netflix was the most prolific producer in 2022 with 935 titles for 3,531 hours of programs, of which more than 50% were created outside the United States. With 203 titles for 764 hours, Amazon Prime Video is experiencing its best year in terms of volume in 2022.

The word to Tim Westcott from Omdia

“It remains to be seen if we will see the same growth this year,” said Tim Westcott of Omdia, knowing that Warner Bros. Discovery and Disney are under pressure from their shareholders to reduce their expenses and limit the losses linked to their development strategy in streaming.”