

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip giants in Brazil

Korean manufacturer Samsung is thinking big to promote its latest foldable-screen smartphones.

If by chance you have recently passed through Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo in Brazil, perhaps you have seen these oversized billboards glorifying Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip 4.

Ad with giant Samsung Galaxy Z Flip in Brazil

In several places in these cities, you can see these smartphones in a giant, folded version, with the slogan “Life seen from the best angle”. Note that at the time of this campaign it was possible to send a selfie on social networks via the hashtag #GalaxyExperienceRJ, in order to see your photo appear on the exterior screen of these giant Z Flip 4.

Ad with folding seats from Samsung Galaxy Z Flip bus stops in Belgium

In four other places, Samsung has also installed billboards with clocks and Galaxy Z Flip 4s, which are also huge, but with the particularity of unfolding and folding via a motorized system. Finally, a little closer to home – in Belgium – Samsung has transformed the folding seats of five bus stops into… Galaxy Z Flip 4 of course. Pretty nifty when you think about it, since these seats fold and unfold like the Korean's clamshell smartphone.