

PlayStation VR2, release in early 2023?

The production lines should be activated at the end of the year to prepare for the market launch of the new PlayStation 5 virtual reality headset.

We already know a lot about the new PlayStation VR2 (or PSVR2) virtual reality headset from Sony, for example that a solid string of games will be available when it is released.

PlayStation VR2 virtual reality headset, original stock 1.5 million

Nothing official however on its date of sale, even if Sony could speak officially on this subject on June 2, during the State of Play event during which several games in development will be unveiled for the machine. In the meantime, the Taiwanese analyst Ming-Chi Kuo - usually a specialist in Apple news but who hears a lot of things from Asian suppliers - has an idea about the arrival date of PSVR2. According to him, full-scale production of the device will begin in the second half of this year, for an initial stock of 1.5 million headphones.

The PSVR2 would thus be ready to be released at the beginning of 2023, or even at the end of 2022 according to the most optimistic estimates.