

Free Netflix, Vietnam after Kenya

After Kenya, a second country benefits from a free version of the Netflix video streaming platform. When will the next ones be?

After launching a free version in Kenya, Netflix is doing the same in Vietnam. Good news that shows that this option could happen in many other countries in the future.

Email address requested but no credit card…

To register, a simple e-mail address is required and above all no credit card number. Note, however, that this version is limited: it does not contain the entire catalog, the programs cannot be downloaded and it is only available on Android smartphones.

Free Netflix offer to develop the paid subscription

There are, however, features such as recommendations, five user profiles and "My list". Parental controls are also included and the download option will arrive in the coming months. Also, big titles like Squid Game, The Witcher, and Casa del papel are available. This no-nonsense sneak peek naturally aims to convince testers to shell out the price of a subscription in order to access the full service on all their screens such as TV or computer.