

TV T-shirt, the ready-to-wear screen, here we go!

Proudly wear your videos, images and other animated GIFs on your chest, with this t-shirt which incorporates nothing more and nothing less than a 10-inch HD screen.

Until then reserved for promotional purposes for major brands like Def Jam Records, CNN, Sprite, NBC or Fox TV, the TV t-shirt is finally arriving for ordinary mortals, via an already successful Kickstarter campaign. that it does not end until December 15.

The (TV) t-shirt of the future?

As its name subtly indicates, the TV t-shirt is a t-shirt incorporating a screen on the front side. This 10" HD specimen loops the videos of your choice in MP4, Mov, MKV, Avi, WMV, and even GIF and Jpeg images.

The screen is equipped with storage capacity of 2 GB and it is possible to transfer your files via USB. With a battery life of 2 to 4 hours extendable via a supplied external battery, the t-shirt is light and easy to wash since the screen is removable. Available at indicative price of $149 (Kickstarter promo).
