

Tesla Challenges iPhone Fan Loyalty

iPhone or Android model, how loyal are Americans to their smartphone brand?

The AddictiveTips site conducted a survey of 1,000 Americans in 2022 - 50% iPhone users and 50% Android users - to determine their loyalty to their smartphone brand.

iPhone users more loyal than Android users

It shows that 94% of iPhone owners consider themselves loyal to Apple (slightly more than in 2021), while 80% of Android users are loyal to their mobile brand. In terms of satisfaction, the figure drops to 72% for iPhones, while 66% say they are satisfied with their Android smartphone.

Must-have Twitter for Apple/Android users

Note the importance of Twitter for all these users. At the end of last year Apple considered removing the social network from its App Store if it did not respect its rules and 60% of iPhone owners surveyed said they would switch to Android if Twitter were taken away from them. And Tesla CEO and new owner of Twitter -Elon Musk- joked that if Apple followed through on its threat, it could launch its own smartphone brand. Result ? 80% of all respondents said they would ditch their current mobile and upgrade to a Tesla model, if it materialized.
