

iGreen, the iPhone case that becomes… a plant

The ultimate in recycling, this iPhone protector will grow plants once it reaches the end of its life.

Not really the most ecological of accessories, protections for smartphones are rarely recycled when they are thrown away, adding to overall pollution, which doesn't really need them these days.

New life in basil, daisy or forget-me-not

That's where iGreen comes in, an iPhone protector that you can literally plant in the ground rather than throwing away, and which will grow plants once it's finished decomposing. In detail, the 100% compostable shell will completely disintegrate into the earth over time. The seeds it contains, protected by a water-soluble film, will then grow to become plants: basil, daisy and forget-me-nots depending on the color of the protection (green, yellow and blue respectively). We love. Available at the indicative price of 18 euros.