

TikTok soon to pay?

The social network TikTok is currently testing a paid version without advertising, at $4.99 per month.

Where the biggest video streaming services - Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video - have launched subscription options with advertising to boost their turnover, social networks seem to be taking the opposite path, for the same financial reasons .

Indeed, TikTok (and others) make their money 100% from ads, but the social network could soon launch a paid subscription that will eliminate ads for its users. This is what the Android Authority site discovered in the code of the TikTok application which, apparently, is preparing the test of a paid version on American territory.

Ads banned, but you will have to pay

TikTok even partially confirmed the information with TechCrunch, specifying that a test is indeed planned in an English-speaking territory, but not in the United States. Among other discoveries from Android Authority, we learn that the price offered for this subscription is $4.99 per month. Nothing is confirmed on this subject however, and perhaps even at the end of the test, this new option will not be deployed. On the Facebook and Instagram side, on the other hand, it is almost certain, you will have to pay not to share your private data and therefore be completely exempt from advertisements, following the Digital Service Act of the European Union. We're still talking about €6 per month on a computer and €13 on a smartphone...