

Streaming portal soon on YouTube?

YouTube could soon offer to subscribe to streaming services, a bit like Amazon Prime Video does.

According to the Wall Street Journal, YouTube is working on a portal that will allow users to subscribe directly to various video streaming platforms.

YouTube is not on those of Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV+

A feature already present for example on Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime Video, the latter offering for example links to services such as OCS, Filmo TV… The project would have been launched at least 18 months ago and YouTube would be in talks with potential partners. The portal could therefore arrive soon, perhaps before the end of the year.

New offer in synergy with the use of YouTube?

In view of YouTube's huge user base, this new feature could prove to be a success, especially since the platform is widely used to watch trailers, which can whet viewers' appetites for new films and series, which will then be directly accessible.