

Ambeo Spatial Audio on Netflix with Sennheiser

Netflix is the first streaming platform to offer Ambeo 2-Channel Spatial Audio technology for immersive rendering even with a basic audio system.

Sennheiser's Ambeo 2-Channel Spatial Audio technology adapts multi-channel audio mixes to simulate them on traditional stereo systems, and it's coming to Netflix movies and series for the first time. You will now be able to enjoy Dolby Atmos or Mpeg-H type productions, without having a surround installation.

The word to Dr. Renato Pellegrini from the Sennheiser Ambeo team

This optimized stereo rendering from an immersive original mix is touted as superior to a typical stereo soundtrack, with the goal of enjoying it on a standard TV, stereo sound system, headphones, tablet, a portable PC… “Sennheiser strongly believes in the immersive audio experience, says Dr. Renato Pellegrini of the Sennheiser Ambeo team. Around the world, artists are creating incredibly immersive works, pushing the boundaries of music and film productions. With Ambeo 2-Channel Spatial Audio, we are making this new audio reality available to everyone.”

The word to Scott Kramer director of sound technology at Netflix

Scott Kramer, Director of Sound Technology at Netflix adds: “With Ambeo Spatial Audio, Netflix subscribers will definitely see the difference. People who do re-recording mixes often tell me how much better their stereo-translated immersive mix work looks. The technology preserves the sound of the original mix and honors the artistic intent with incredibly crisp sound."