

Amazon Prime Video, advertising from January

In the footsteps of its competitors Netflix and Disney+, advertising is arriving on Prime Video from January in the United States.

Were you delighted to have a streaming platform as a bonus to your Amazon Prime subscription? All good things must come to an end since unwanted ads will appear during your favorite programs.

Advertising on Amazon Prime starts in January…

This is what Amazon announced last September and new details have just been revealed: in the USA, the change will be effective from January 29, 2024. As expected, those who do not want ads will have to pay a little more expensive: an additional $2.99 per month. The price for France will be specified later (during 2024). A very smart initiative for Amazon, since advertising will not be a sufficient reason to scare away subscribers, Prime Video being only a “bonus” for most users who initially subscribed to an Amazon Prime subscription for others benefits, for example free delivery of products ordered on Amazon.
