

The French more and more in front of the screen

The more screens there are in their homes, the more time French people spend using them.

According to the latest annual study by the Institut Médiamétrie, video consumption in France is accelerating as offers and platforms become more and more numerous. Thus, 50.4 million users (88% of the population) watch videos daily, whether on a Smart TV, on VOD or on social networks. The viewing time per day is thus 4h46 minutes, i.e. 5% better than in 2019.

Big screens Vs small

Each family has an average of 5.6 screens at home, i.e. 6% more than in 2014. Two-thirds of French households are now equipped with Smart TV, 47% subscribe to an SVOD service, i.e. 18 % better than in 2019. In 2022, SVOD gathered 8.9 million users per day, which is 48% better than in 2019.

Even if the big screen remains the most used of all, as in other countries, it is on the downward slope and was used 6% less (14 minutes) between 2019 and 2022.
