

These technologies that did not exist eleven years ago ...

2009 doesn't look so far away, but a lot of the gadgets and services that we take for granted today weren't even there then.

Technology advances quickly, very quickly, even too fast and is driving us completely crazy in the process. There are products and services that we can no longer do without, becoming such a part of our daily lives that we completely forget that we lived very well without them a decade ago.

Instagram, iPad, Snapchat…

The aggregator of statistics Statista has scanned a list of technologies that did not exist eleven years ago, in order to put our frail human lives into perspective. Without speaking about Microsoft Teams which burst into the lives of many of us only in 2017, do you remember for example that the iPad (released in 2010), the PlayStation 4 (2013) and even Instagram or Snapchat (2010 and 2011) were still non-existent eleven years ago…
