

Internet traffic, it continues to climb

With video consumption in mind, internet traffic growth still shows no signs of slowing down.

According to Sandvine's Global Internet Phenomena Report 2023, based on usage data from nearly 180 internet providers worldwide, internet traffic continued to grow rapidly in 2022.

Global internet traffic, +23% in 2022

In all, it increased by 23% compared to the previous year, while video traffic climbed a little faster with 24% better. This increase reflects the increase in the use of video streaming, as well as other categories such as gaming, cloud, VPNs, online stores, and video conferencing. In all, video accounts for no less than 65% of all traffic.

Netflix ahead of YouTube for the first time in 2022

The “Big 6” -Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple, Netflix and Microsoft- still generate almost half of internet traffic, with Google and Netflix being by far in the lead. And this year for the first time, Netflix app traffic exceeded YouTube app traffic.